New addition to the Group Strand Report
In addition to viewing your students’ results across literacy strands in LiteracyPlanet, teachers now have the ability to see assignment status of missions in the Group Strand Report.
View the status of each mission you have assigned simply by selecting the ‘Show Assignment’ checkbox.
Along with the ability to view student scores in each strand, teachers can use the Show Assignment checkbox to see if any of the missions in a strand are already assigned to their students.
With this addition, you’ll be able to identify the student’s assignment status and then quickly and easily differentiate instruction. This feature allows teachers to determine the concepts to be assigned, and the concepts that are already a part of each student’s learning pathway. Ultimately, this helps the teacher develop student knowledge and understanding within each literacy strand.
Updates to the Mission Progress Report
You asked, and we listened! Teachers are now able to see the mission in progress on the dashboard.
You will now see two additional columns, containing three data points for each student. The Mission Progress Report now shows:
Activities Completed – the number of distinct activities completed by students inside missions that they have started, but not yet completed.
- Missions Started – the number of missions started by a student, but not yet completed.
- Missions Available – the sum of all teacher assigned and learning sequence missions currently available to the student on their Journey/Missions screen.
If you are unable to see the additions to these reports, please complete a force refresh on your browser. The updated dashboard should appear.