Reddish Vale High School in Stockport, UK, is on a development journey. Ongoing improvements in pupil progress is proof of the strategies put in place and the dedication to these students’ academic success.

As part of a multi-academy trust, teachers are focused on enhancing the learning experience by providing up-to-date and relevant resources. An English department staff member introduced LiteracyPlanet to their colleagues after success using it in a prior school. Other English teachers agreed to a trial and with such positive feedback and results, the programme was formally implemented.

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The use of technology and digital resources to support students’ learning is embedded in Reddish Vale High School’s approach to teaching. Therefore, the right platform that delivers learning outcomes, as well as saves teachers time, is considered vital to the growth of the school.

Today, 400 Reddish Vale High School students in Years 7 and 8 take advantage of the content in LiteracyPlanet and the fun and engaging way in which it is delivered. LiteracyPlanet is used within the classroom as part of student-directed learning, as well as assigned as part of homework tasks.

One of the key indicators of LiteracyPlanet’s effectiveness for these students is the level of reengagement it generates. By reintroducing students to standard literacy principles in a fun and captivating way, LiteracyPlanet also gives them ownership of their learning progress, instilling a love of learning. Gamifying the practise of literacy skills, instantly providing feedback, and showing results in easily-recounted percentages all contribute to students seeing quick wins and their longer-term progress. It makes them want to do more.

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By having access to a user-friendly platform that provides key information on student learning gaps, LiteracyPlanet helps teachers easily and quickly select appropriate work for a personalised learning approach. Even better, students have the ability to drive their own learning, self-correcting where necessary and owning their progress. Combined, these aspects are of the greatest importance to the teachers at Reddish Vale High School.

As for the Year 7 and 8 students who get to use LiteracyPlanet as part of their literacy skills development, they love the way games have been woven into the experience. They especially love the games with an audio component that drives even further engagement.

Despite being in the early stages of using LiteracyPlanet, the initial feedback and results are more than encouraging. “The interface is bright, accessible and user friendly,” according to Deputy Head of English, Tiffany Clark. “We are looking forward to continuing our journey in the world of LiteracyPlanet and seeing improved literacy skills for our students.”

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