Igniting students’ interest in storytelling

Children, just like their parents and teachers, are narrative-driven. They love identifying with characters, being captivated by an intriguing story and engaging in a world full of mystery and adventure. The greater and more expansive the story, the more engaged they become. The fruits of this immersion in a grand narrative is a thirst to know more; to explore beyond the world around themselves.

Introducing Storyverse

Just as the world’s most popular films and games are driven by compelling narratives, LiteracyPlanet’s Storyverse immerses readers in a captivating world of fun, fantasy and wonder. This is where learning becomes meaningful and memorable, as inspiration drawn from these engaging experiences inspires children to connect with their own writing in imaginative and creative ways.

Storyverse is an opportunity to extend students’ literacy skills, as they explore the many dimensions of the English language within an immersive and stimulating world of fictional characters and their crazy adventures.

Individual experiences. Improved literacy outcomes.

Literacy learning outcomes are achieved with Storyverse through:

  • Reading for leisure, a reward for effort.
  • Opportunity for creative expression, possible with strong English literacy skills.
  • Episodic stories that inspire anticipation of the next reveal. 
  • Layers of visuals, audio and written language catering to students of any age.
  • Subtexts and contemporary themes that serve as a conversation starter.
  • Diversity of character and personality allows student affinity, or character ‘ownership’.
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